

What is a DNA extraction kit?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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12y ago

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kit that is used for dna extraction is called as dna extraction kit here the chemicals that are used for the extaraction are provided in the kit itself many biotech companies are selling those kits

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3y ago

Genomic DNA Extraction Kit - Simple and rapid system for high-quality genomic DNA purification from various sources including whole blood, serum, cell lines, bacterial cells, plant, mammalian tissues, etc., Within a very short period, Azooka. life company has positioned a respectable status in the Biology industry with fluorescent DNA extraction stains by endlessly manufacturing and supplying a wide assortment of DNA & RNA Extraction Kit/DNA Isolation Kit/DNA Purification kit/DNA gel stains for Biomolecular Laboratories, Schools, Colleges, and more for research purposes.

DNA & RNA Extraction Kit

• Easy to use - Toxic-free DNA Gel stain.

• Food grade DNA staining.

• Easy & safe disposal.

• Enables rapid purification of high-quality genomic DNA (human and bacterial) from fresh or frozen samples.

• Maximized efficiency and high-performance DNA extraction kit.

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to queef