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It is not a document like an automobile license, and it can"rt be revoked, Dramatic License , used in most fictional movies- is where the script writers ( at times of necessity as period props can"t be found)- takes some liberties with the original story if it was a novel, to adapt it to the screen, The Academy even gives out Oscars for best adaptation of material from another media- okay- say a character in a novel is , say a Boxer, as it was in Hemingway"s (the Killers)- the movie version he was a racing driver, Hemingway understandably objected. sometimes dramatic license is accidental- with period props or vehicles- sometimes it is deliberate. Care was taken to tone down such themes ( called Don"t and Be Carefuls) in the heyday of the Production Codes- to get around the code- well, take up slack- two lovers could be modified into brother and sister - as was done with, allegedly a Tarzan film. Homosexuality was either banned outight, or the Gay character had to die- as happened to (the Sergeant) and this was no purple heart- but a suicide ( He shot himself). sometimes dramatic license tones things down. I can recall a Disney animal drama- that had two distinct variants- in one the Monkey- Mr. Tubbs- died- not sure how- and this was a pivotal event in the plot- in another, he did not, he wandered off or something. often heavy material is thus toned down to appeal to a juvenile. there are some sick plot devices- such as the Changeling, in a very loose sense Anastasia in Back-Gears that are best left alone.

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