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The Ominous line- Most likely to be found in the beginning or start of life line. It is sometimes mistaken as a fork, could be deep or faded, however if it is found at begginning of life line implies that the owner of the hand had a troubled childhood whether it be abuse, neglect, illness. If found on lower life line it means the same. A deep "X" or cross means the greater of trouble. Ominous line has been associated with tails of people who carry negative energy, not that the owner is ill in nature but a negative energy that is attracted to the owner. As one with a ominous line may notice the feeling of fear or that something is attacking them in some way. However keeping an open mind about this subject is always the best answer whether to believe this could be possible, or not.

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Q: What is a Ominous Line in palm reading?
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What is a Hand line reading?

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Palm reading, also known as palm reading or palm reading, is practiced around the world and has its origins in Indian astrology and gypsy fortune telling. The purpose is to evaluate a person's personality and certain aspects of their life by studying their palms.

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Palm Line was created in 1911.

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Why is there a M on your hand?

Have you ever heard of palm reading. Palm reading is where they take a look at the lines on your palm and they tell you what it is.So if we are looking at the M on your left hand then the left side of the M is your life line the middle line of the M is your head line and the right side of the M is your Heart line.Biological answer:The "m" was not made part of the human hand so that palm readers could tell our fortune. If you hold your hand palm up, then bend in your thumb a bit slightly inwards, and do the same with the four fingers, bringing them slightly towards the thumb, you will see where it makes the "m" more pronounced. The "m" is actually the crease where your hands bend inwards.

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A typical palm reading session with an astrologer usually lasts around 30 minutes to an hour.

Best astrologer in France?

Best Indian Astrologer In France and very good at palm reading. He has solved many love problems using palm reading astrology.

What are the people who when touch your palm and see your future are called?

They are called Palm Readers and they have a section on them in the psydhis reading link

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palm reading-ology!