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One fourths of a second....still pretty slow though :/

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Q: What is a average driver's reaction time?
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On average a drunk drivers reaction time is slowed by how much?

1 sec. to 2 seconds

How does age affect the ability of drivers?

Younger drivers have less experience but better reaction time.. Older drivers have more experience but less reaction time.

Most drivers have a reaction time of?

1.5 seconds

Drivers who can only react to one situation at a time are called?

singular reaction abilities

What is the reaction time of most drivers?

12 seconds according to a practice theroy test :)

Does alcohol a drivers reaction time?

When you take a few sips then your initial reaction time gets faster. You become more alert and more talkative but after drinking more your reaction rates gets slower and slower. Your vision becomes blurry and your balance is all over the place.

Are boys better than girls at reaction times?

Studies have shown that on average girls have faster reaction times than boys, just look at Ashley Force, she has become one of the most successful top fuel drag race drivers in a sport where reaction time can be the only difference between winning and losing.

What is the average reaction time?

normal 3-7 seconds

Does alcohol decreases drivers reaction time?

Yes - this is one reason why limits are set for how much alcohol you can legally have in your blood

What is the average human reaction time is?

Depends on a lot of factors. Perception to finger movement is somewhere in the ballpark of .215 seconds "average". Average range is something like .14 to .33 seconds. Reaction times as low as .1 seconds are likely possible but hard to measure consistently. Reaction times below .12 seconds would make you part of an elite minority. Some resources to check out: Normal distribution of reaction times on a specific task. Good rundown of factors that influence "reaction time".

How many milliseconds is a typical reflex?

The average (median) reaction time is 215 milliseconds.

Disadvantage of ruler drop test?

It doesn't measure the exact reaction time. Just the average.