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A baby is called a neonate at birth, from the Latin words 'neo' for 'new' and 'natal' for born. Babies are considered newborns (neonates) for the first 28 days of life, and then they are simply classified as infants.

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Q: What is a baby called after the neonatal stage?
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If a baby is called a neonatal when born what is it called after the neonatal stage?

Past: Fetus Present: Neonatal After Present: Infant It is called infant because it isnt a baby but it has hair, laugh capability and is speechless

What is the neonatal stage?

The time just after birth.

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If you have a butterfly garden there is no "baby" stage. This baby stage you are talking about is actually the larval stage better know as the Caterpillar stage.

How old is neonatal?

Babies are considered to be neonates, or in the neonatal stage, from the time of birth until they are about 4 weeks old.

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What is neonatal?

A neonate is a newly-born baby, and neonatal is the adjective used to refer to anything (usually hospital-related) that is to do with newborn babies up to a few weeks of age.

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A neonatal nurse.

What is the age of a neonatal baby?

from birth of the baby to one month old is considered a neonate.

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