

Best Answer

Sounds like an abcess... which will get worse as time goes on... if you leave it, the bacteria causing the abcess could cause you very serious problems. I suggest you go and get it looked at asap. Don't delay, your life could depend on it. Also the bacteria can eat away at your jaw bone if you've had it a long time, this can cause massive complications... Let me know how you get on... Try not to worry yourself, but i strongly advise you go get it checked out asap, don't delay... But good luck anyway and I hope I'v helped answer your question! : :o) Another Answer It could also be a pyogenic granuloma. It's not actually a granuloma, but if the bump's on/near the area where there's skin between your teeth, that's might be it. As with the first response, get it checked out.

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Q: What is a bump on your gum which is over a tooth that you have already had a root canal on so what could it be if there is no pain only a large bump?
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Should you have your tooth pulled or filled?

Possibly a root canal. Or he could put a false half on it. Dentists NEVER "glue back on" the other half. If it is a small "chip" most likely a filling will do it. A larger break will require a filling to make the tooth "tooth shaped" again and then a crown. A root canal is only needed if the tooth had large decay causing the break or if the nerve of the tooth is damaged or exposed.

What are consequences of getting your root canal therapy?

If your tooth needs a root canal and is not painful, then it must be a dead tooth. When a tooth is dead, it is a source of infection which is not good. It is possible that it could hurt in the future due to infection. Better to have the root canal done, because you're trying to save your tooth. If you don't have the root canal treatment done and your tooth continues to decay, the dentist might have to pull that tooth out in the future. Once you pull out your tooth, that's gone forever

What if you hada root canal butt you still have a lot of pain?

what could have happened is that the root canal was not done properly, or the tooth was so damaged that the root canal did not work. In this event, the tooth may have to be pulled (its what happened to me about a week ago)

Do you have to have a root canal if the tooth dies?

Yes. If the nerve inside of a tooth dies, it is prone to infection (if not infected already). Root canal treatment should prevent or resolve this infection. A tooth may die for various reasons such as: decay, trauma, extensive wear/grinding/abrasion.

Can you lose a tooth easy after getting a root canal?

If you don't have a crown placed on a root canaled tooth, it could fracture or break resulting in the tooth having to be extracted.

The dentist pulled your tooth with out telling you Can he do that?

NO, you need to know your options...could you have received a root canal to save the tooth...did he give you the option of an Implant?

Does a root canal increase the chances of losing a tooth?

No . . . the root canal procedure is intended to save the tooth.

Tooth with a 5 year root canal why pressure now?

It could be reinfected. See a dentist.

Is it secure to root canal the tooth of a 4 years baby?

If you want your baby to have healthy and perfectly aligned permanent teeth, then yes, get that root canal treatment done. The reason behind this is that, if your dentist has suggested a root canal treatment then the condition of the tooth is already bad. the first tooth to naturally fall off in kids is at the age of 6. So, to preserve the space of the successors to come this milk tooth should be there. Also, if the milk tooth has infection it can harm the permanent tooth underneath it.

What is d3330 root canal therapy?

that is a root canal of a molar tooth. Meaning the dentist is removing the nerve and pulp of the tooth.

What you have to do once root canal treatment completed?

After you've completed root canal therapy, it is always best to have a crown placed on the tooth to avoid having it break or fracture. Failure to do this in a timely manner could result in eventual loss of the tooth.