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This is called a host cell. In the beginning, a virus will attach itself to the host cell and release its genetic material into it. This genetic material interferes with the host cell's enzymes which cause them to form parts in which will create a new virus.

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6y ago
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7y ago

Viruses reproduce in an infectious way. The virus attaches itself to a specific host cell, where the virus injects its genetic material into the host cell. The host cell uses the genetic material to make new viruses, causing the host cell to split open and releasing the viruses.

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7y ago

Viruses release either DNA or RNA into the host cell which either incorporates itself into the host genome or uses the hosts ribosomes to begin replicating the virus parts in the cytosol immediately.

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9y ago

A host cells is a cell in which a virus reproduces. The length of viruses vary depending on the type of virus it is.

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What happens to the provirus when the host cell reproduces?

When the cell reproduces, the provirus is copied as part of the chromosome. The virus chromosome is placed into the host cell's.

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The virus takes over your cell, then reproduces with the infection, making more viruses.

Cell in which a virus reproduces?

a virus can reproduce in any cell it is meant for. like, you can't get a skin virus in your stomach. some viruses affect more than one kind of cell

What must reproduce inside a virus?

Nothing reproduces inside a virus. It has to latch on the a host cell and insert its' DNA or RNA and then make the host cell reproduce virus particles.

What is the first thing that happens when an animal virus enters a cell and starts to reproduce?

it reproduces

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at first i was crying but then it just hit me it was a stupied virus

Does a virus reproudce by splitting in two?

No it does not. It reproduces by infecting/controlling a body cell and commands it to produce viruses.

How does a virus reprouduce?

a virus reproduces by budding

A virus reproduces by?

Virus reproduces inside a living host by replication during lytic and lysogenic cycle .

What is a virus that reproduces in a bacterium called?

A bacteriaphage (literally bacteria eater) is a virus that reproduces in a bacterium.

What is the lifecycle of a virus?

first is reproduces. then......

How do you get infected with a virus like the flu?

Someone coughs on you (or near you ... possibly in time) You touch the virus, then you wipe your eyes (most commonly) The virus gets under your skin, gets into a cell of your body, and reproduces.