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Q: What is a common characteristic of all major powers of congress?
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What is the common characteristic of all major powers in congress?

To make laws. Well really just like legastive

What are the two major legislative powers?

Congress and the House of Representatives

Congress's four major powers that pertain to foreign policy?

Congress has four major powers that pertain to foreign policy. These are the power to declare war, to trade with foreign nations, to support an army or navy, and to support a militia.

Which is not one of Congress's four major powers that pertain to foreign policy?

Congress' four major powers outlined by the constitution that relate to foreign policy mainly dictate their powers in the event of a war. They have the power to declare war, to support an army or navy, to support a militia, and to trade with foreign nations.

What major congressional powers limit the power of the President?

The Congress holds the power to regulate foreign and interstate trade.

What are two major fact of the articles of confederation?

One characteristic of the Article of Confederation was that it allowed states to govern their own area. Another characteristic was that it left the central government without much power to ensure that the country was operating in a positive direction.

What was a major characteristic of humanism?

A major characteristic of humanism is an appreciation for the basic work of individual achievement.

The first major dispute over the implied powers of Congress involved the establishment of the interstate highway system?

No. It involved Alexander Hamilton's National Bank.

What was the major flaw in the articles of confederations idea for the position of president?

The presidential powers were weak and made it to difficult for members of Congress to respond to national emergencies

What describes a factor that motivated representative's from Europe major powers to meet at the congress of Vienna?

A desire to prevent any single country from dominating Europe

What describes a factor that motivated representatives from Europe's major powers to meet at the Congress of Vienna?

A desire to prevent any single country from dominating Europe

What was a major flaw in the articles of confederations idea for the position of president?

The presidential powers were weak and made it to difficult for members of Congress to respond to national emergencies