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This is muscle flexion or isotonic contraction.

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Q: What is a contraction in which the muscle shorten and work is done?
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A contraction in which the muscle shortens and work is done?

B. isotonic contraction

When a muscle shortens it means what?

It is called a concentric contraction. The muscle gets shorter in preparation to do work.

How does resistance training work?

Resistance training works by inducing muscle contraction. Doing this helps build muscles and strength. That is because muscle contraction generates tension on the muscle and forces it to move.

What is the process that takes place in a muscle cell to produce energy for it to work?


When muscle cell demands energy to perform its work of contraction what happens to ATP?

ATP breaks down when a muscle cell demands energy to perform its work of contraction. ATP, which is a nucleoside triphosphate, stands for adenosine triphosphate.

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What is chemical work within cells powered by?

The contraction of a muscle cell is an example of mechanical work.

Why do muscles work in antagonistic pairs?

Because muscle can only contracts. The only way for it to lengthen is by having an outside force, ie, another muscle's contraction.

Whats the name of the chemical in the muscular system that causes contraction?

There's more than one chemical that causes contraction. The neurotransmitter (usually acetylcholine) is released from the nerve and excites the muscle. There is a change in calcium, sodium and potassium ion concentrations. ATP is used. All of these work together to produce a muscle contraction.

From which muscle does the heartbeat originate?

The heartbeat is caused by the contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle. The heart muscle is a special kind of muscle known as cardiac muscle, which is unique as it is both striated (strong), can work without tiring, and cannot be controlled (the movement of the muscle is automatic).

In isometric contraction how does the muscle stay the same length when the sarcomeres are shortening according to the sliding filament theory?

Dear freind! there is not any filamnet sliding in isometric contraction and so there is no work...

What determines the strength of a muscle in response to different levels of stimulation?

the best way to think of this is using complete common sense or else you can cloud a simple concept and make it seem very difficult. If you have a muscle fiber that if already as short as it can be, then when it contracts, the actin and myosin filaments will run out of room to contract farther and therefore you will have a very weak contraction. If on the other hand your muscle fiber is stretched a lot before the contraction, you will have pulled the actin and myosin filaments apart, so that they no longer overlap. agin, this will produce a very weak contraction. But, if your filaments are overlapped appropriately, then you have plenty of room for the fibers to shorten, and you get a good contraction. The power of the contraction curve is a bell curve where you stark at zero power (at the shortest) then it peaks and drops again as the filaments are pulled too far apart. The situation becomes more complicated when you add the effects of passive stretch, but that was not the original question, so I'll leave it at that.