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Going counter to the facts in order to prove one's point.

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Q: What is a counterfactual argument?
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What is a big word for wrong?

counterfactual (14 letters) unsubstantial (13 letters) misconstrued (12 letters) My response to this question was counterfactually miscalculated, erroneous, fallaceous and unsubstantiated.

What does counter argument mean?

A counter argument is an argument made against another argument.

What is the use of passing an argument by value?

Passing an argument by value means that the method that receives the argument can not change the value of the argument. Passing an argument by reference means that the method that receives the argument can change the value of the incoming argument, and the argument may be changed in the orignal calling method.

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Inductive Argument

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What is an informal argument?

an argument with information

What makes an argument an argument?

An argument is inductive when it is based on probability, such as statistics. In an inductive argument, if the premises are true, the conclusion is probably true.

What if an argument does not commit a fallacy?

If an argument does not commit a fallacy, it does not necessarily mean that the argument is sound. A fallacy is an argument that uses poor reasoning.

Which element is needed for a sound argument?

Evidence to support the argument is needed for a sound argument.

What is an argument from design?

An argument from design is a theological term for a teleological argument - an argument for the existence of God, such that because nature is orderly, it is evidence of a designer.

What is the thesis of a research essay?

The claim is the argument you plan to prove.