

What is a curve grade?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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12y ago

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Alot of times if a class makes a low grade, your teacher will decide to "curve" it. All this means is that he/she is giving you extra points. For example, if you make an 89 and your teacher gives a 3 point curve, your new grade would be a 92.

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If kept to a normal grading scale (not a curve), the grade would be a D- or F.

What is a 22 out of 35 in grading?

Depends on how your teacher grades. Generally, that is not a very good grade. But it depends on the "curve" as to where the cutoff is for each letter grade.

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43 percent is usually an F, unless graded on a curve.

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Depending on various factors, and no curve, it will be about a D+.

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7/10 = .7 = .70 = 70%. Usually a "C", depending on the "curve"

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6 wrong out of 30 leaves 24 correct out of 30. Divide 24 by 30 to get 80%. 80% is usually a B or a B-, unless grading is on a curve. If it is on a curve, then it is impossible for me to say without knowing what the curve is.

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Well, that's 57.5%, which is an F on most scales. Unless there's a severe curve, I'd say no, that is not a good grade.

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it depends on what your classmates got and what your graind scale is in your school. but in my school if there is no curve a 64 is a D.

If you missed 4 on a test with 26 questions what is your finnal grade?

That depends on your teacher's or schools practice. If they "grade on a curve" then all the tests taken will be distributed on a Gaussian bell probability curve. So if you are the only one who missed 4 questions and everybody else missed more you will get the highest grade; but of you are the only one who missed 4 questions and everybody else mised fewer, then you will get the lowest grade. In my school only a few teachers graded on a curve; most would have given a B for missing 4 out of 26 equally important questions. UH UH!If you missed 4 out of 26, you would still get a A-.I aked my teacher and she said yes.

Would you get a f with 57 percent?

Assuming your teacher doesn't grade on a curve, then yes, anything less than 60% would be an F.

What is curve ranging?

In highways, railways, or canals the curve are provided for smooth or gradual change in direction due the nature of terrain, cultural features, or other unavoidable reasons. In highway practice, it is recommended to provide curves deliberately on straight route to break the monotony in driving on long straight route to avoid accidents. The horizontal curve may be a simple circular curve or a compound curve. For a smooth transition between straight and a curve, a transition or easement curve is provided. The vertical curves are used to provide a smooth change in direction taking place in the vertical plane due to change of grade.

What would be the best method of representing grades in a classroom?

The common way is a CURVE, showing a graph of all the grades. In this way, a student can see where they fall in comparison to classmates. To do this, graph all the grades with the Y axis being frequency, and the X axis as a bar chart with each bar being a grade range. Typically, in a large enough sample, you will see a bell-curve form. Of course, with modern grade inflation, the average is going to be much higher, or the curve might become useless as all the students get As.