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"Diluted UA" means you put water in your sample.

Here's how it works: The machines they use to test urine for drugs have "cutoff levels"--there's got to be a certain amount of substance in your urine to cause the machine to show positive. And no matter what drug it is, there are two levels: screening and confirmation. Since this is a pot question, the Department of Defense levels are 50 nanograms/ml of urine for screening, 15 ng/ml for confirmation. The reason for the difference is screening and confirmation are done on two different machines, and the screening machine is less sensitive--it's also faster and less expensive to operate, which is why they use it.

Some fine enterprising young person thought to himself, "if this test is done by mass, why don't I just fill the cup half full of pee and top it off with water?" Well...that would work, I guess--if your actual level is 70 ng/ml and you dilute your sample 50/50, it would read 35 ng/ml on the screening test and you'd pass.

People who run urinalysis tests don't want you to do that. They want to find out you smoke weed so you will not get in the military, not get that job, go to jail or whatever it is they're testing you for. So, they test for other chemicals as well. There are levels of certain enzymes in your urine that are known, and if they're too low they know you diluted your sample.

What it means to "mask" a UA is to take various masking agents--goldenseal, niacin, whatever. These chemicals are intended to fool the drug testing equipment into believing you don't smoke weed. They're not in your body naturally, and if you are positive for them they don't even worry about testing the sample for drugs--they know they'll find some.

What causes a diluted UA is you putting water in your pee. And you prevent a diluted UA from occurring by not putting water in your pee.

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Q: What is a diluted UA What does it mean to mask a UA What causes a diluted UA How does one prevent a diluted UA from occurring?
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