

What is a goldfishs species name?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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15y ago

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Kingdom: Animalia - Animals

Phylum: Chordata - Fish

Class: Actinopterygii - Bony Fish

Order: Cypriniformes - Carp, Minnows, Loaches

Family: Cyprinidae - Carp Family , Minnow Family, Barbs and Barrels

Genus: Carassius - Crucian Carp

Species: C. auratus - Goldfish

Subspecies: C. a. auratus - Goldfish

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Carassius auratus.

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Carassius auratus Carassius auratus

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Why do goldfishs tails flop to one side?

They've not got muscles to keep them up straight. Its only the water which is holding them up and making them move.

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go to the vet ASAP

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The Genus name, written before the species name, is similar for related species.

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