

What is a healthy food list?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Whole grains (in bread, cereals, pastas, etc.), fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes (beans) combined with brown rice - for healthy plant protein, with small amounts of remaining protein to come from fish which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, small amounts of walnuts and pecans, and little to no sweets, cakes, cookies, sodas, candies, or red meat. Cheeses in small amounts are OK, especially if not aged (skim mozzarella, feta, and the like).

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Apples are a healthy food. They begin with the letter a.

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Where could I find a list of healthy meals to plan my diet around?

You can get healthy food ideas from or your local heath person . You can also get them from a family doctor or the cancer center . I hope this has helped you on this matter .

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Having diabetes shouldn't stop you from being able to snack. Here is a compiled list of healthy choices for you:

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