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Growing Radishes directly in your garden is easy and fast. They can be ready to harvest in 3-6 weeks under correct conditions.

The "hypothesis" for planting a radish is to plant them about 1/2 inch from the surface of starter cups, egg cartons, pots, or your garden. They need moisture but not a soaked area. Too much watering can cause fungus and kill your radishes.

Radishes grow best in temperatures between 50 and 70 degrees and need very little direct sunlight. I usually plant them in full sun during Spring and in shaded areas during Summer

I usually use only about a 1 pound of slow fertilizer for a 10 x 10 area and when I see the red bulbs developing (about 3 weeks later), I use a water soluble fertilizer and that's all they need.

Watering is only as needed. Usually about 3 times a week for 5-7 minutes during daylight hours only.

Tip: harvest them when they are about an inch in diameter to keep them from overdeveloping, creating seeds, and splitting. This would slow down developing new radishes and the splitting would allow bugs to burrow inside.

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