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"And" is the most commonly used joining word.

Compound subject: Bob and I went to the movies.

Compound predicate: Bob and I went to dinner and saw a movie.

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Q: What is a joining word for compound subjects and verbs?
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What is a single verb?

A single verb is a verb that agrees with a single noun. Verbs need to agree with their nouns. Single-word verbs are verbs that are not compound verbs.

Is the word message a compound word?

It is not a compound word. Although MESS and AGE are English nouns/verbs, they cannot combine together. It is not possible.

What are the compound word and compound noun?

A compound word is a word that is formed by joining two or more words that forms a word with a meaning of its own. A compound word is usually an adjective, an adverb, or a noun.A compound noun is a noun formed by joining two or more words that forms a noun with a meaning of its own.Examples of compound adjectives:fast pacedhappy-go-luckyone timequick wittedExamples of compound adverbs:altogetherheadlongpost hastesidewaysExamples of compound nouns:bathtubhomeworkpeer pressuresix-pack

What is a compouned word?

Compound word is made by joining two (or more) words together.

Is the word are a linking word or action word?

Linking verbs connect to parts of a word: the subject and then subject complement. Linking words are words like: are, is, was, were, and so on. Action verbs denote action as in "He jumps." or "She ran." The subjects are doing something.

Is and a conjunction a preposition a linking verb or a pronoun?

The word 'and' is a conjunction, a word that connects words, sentences, phrases, or clauses.Examples:Jack and Jill went up the hill. (connects the compound subjects)Jill washed and dried her hair. (connects the compound verbs)Jack pumped up his tire and went for a bike ride. (connects the compound predicates)

A compound statement that is formed by joining two statements with the word and is called a?

conjunction...your welcome

What is the definition to a math conjunction?

A compound sentence formed by joining two or more statements with the word and.

Do you use were or was when using two singular subjects?

You would use the word 'were' when joining two singular subjects in a sentence. In example "Danny and John were going to their grandmother's house for the holidays".

If the subject of a sentence is singular is the verb singular or plural?

Singular subjects use singular verbs. This is known as the subject-verb agreement. The confusing part is that "singular" verbs are the ones that will usually have a S, whereas nouns that have an S are usually plural.Subjects and verbs must "agree" with one another in number (singular or plural). Thus, if a subject is singular, its verb must also be singular; if a subject is plural, its verb must also be plural.In the present tense, nouns and verbs form plurals in opposite ways: nouns ADD an s to the singular form; verbs REMOVE the s from the singular form.Examples: The dog chases the car. The dogs chase the car.When dealing with compound subjects, if two or more singular subjects acting as a plural compound subject are joined by the word and then the verb takes the plural form, e.g. The king and Queen are hosting a banquet.If two or more singular subjects acting as a singular compound subject are joined by the words or (or nor) then the verb takes the singular form, e.g. neither the ranger nor the camper sees the bear.

What type of verb is and?

The word 'and' is not a verb; and is a conjunction, a word that joins two words or phrases together. Examples:'To Kill a Mockingbird' is both a book and a movie.I've read the book and seen the movie.A verb is a word for an action or a state of being. Some examples:Jack ran and jumped off the end of the dock. (the conjunction 'and' is joining the two action verbs 'ran' and 'jumped')Jane was then and is now the best candidate. (the conjunction 'and' is joining the two being verbs 'was' and 'is')

What is a compound subject sentence for impact?

A compound subject for impact would have to be two words that are subjects in the beginning of the sentence and the word impact would have to be in the sentence somewhere.