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a prokaryote (bacteria, for example).

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Q: What is a microscopic living thing consisting of one cell and without a nucleus?
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Which is a prokaryotic organism?

Living organism without organized nucleus.

What is Cell with nucleus?

It is called a Eukaryotic cell

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Is cell without nucleus is living or not?

There are many cells without nucleus.Examples are bacteria,arche bacteria,mamalia erythrocytes etc

Is a nucleus a living cell?

No but a nucleus is in every living cell

What is a small living creature that cannot be seen without a microscope?

They are microscopic organisms. Some are bacteria,some fungi,protozoans etc

How do you spell prokaytoic?

The classification is spelled prokaryotic (generally refers to living cells without a nucleus).

Is RBC is living even it lacks nucleus?

Yes, a Red Blood Cell is a living thing, However it does not have a nucleus as it doesn't divide and can carry more oxygen without one. They are adapted to carry oxygen.

What is the job of the keratin?

Keratin is a protein responsible for the hardening process(keratinised) that cells undergo when they change from living cells with a nucleus to dead cells without a nucleus.

How is the nucleus of an atom the same as the nucleus of a living cell?

It is the control center of the atom as the same a the for the nucleus for the living cell.