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A missense protein is a protein translated due to a change in a single amino acid.

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Q: What is a missense protein?
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What type of mutation causes protein to be synthesized with one incorrect amino acid?


What results in a regular size protein that is misshapen?

Missense mutation

If a strand of DNA with the sequence TGA mutated to GCA would it be a silent or missense mutation?

Both a silent and missense mutation is a change in one nucleotide. However, a silent mutation still codes for the same amino acid, but a missense mutation codes for a different amino acid. This means that a silent mutation will have no affect on the resulting protein, but a missense mutation will. Still, it is not guaranteed that a a missense mutation will result in a disfunction of created protein, as long as it is not occurring in the activation site.

Which type of mutation resukts in the formation of a protein with one incorrect amino acid?

missense mutation

Which type of mutation results in the formation of a protein with one incorrect amino acid-?

Missense is a type of mutation which results in the formation of a protein with one incorrect amino acid.

What are the similarities of a nonsense mutation and a missense mutation?

Both nonsense and missense mutations are point mutations - meaning a single base has been substituted. The difference between the two is that a missense mutation results in an amino acid being replaced with a different amino acid, whereas a nonsense mutation results in a premature stop codon.

What One example of a mutation that would not affect an organisms phenotype?

A Missense Mutation.It is a point mutation where the mutations alters the base sequence without changing the resulting function of the subsequent protein. This is usually when the mutation does not change the amino acid which the codon codes for.

Which type of mutation results in abnormal acid sequence?

A point mutation causes a change in the amino acid sequence creating a new type of protein. The mutations are categorized functionally as nonsense, missense and silent mutations.

From DNA to protein involves which series of events?

A mutation in DNA yields mutated mRNA (via transcription) which yields mutated proteins (via translation). Mutated proteins contain different amino acids (whether it be in a different order, shorter, longer, or missense).

A part of an mRNA has the sequence CCG. which change to this sequence would indicate a missense mutation?


Why is it that some point mutations can cause severe genetic diseases while others have no noticeable effects?

There are three main types of point mutations: nonsense, missense, and silent. Nonsense mutations code for a stop instead of the intended amino acid, which cuts short the protein and can cause problems. Missense mutations code for a different amino acid than the one intended and can cause problems. Silent mutations, on the other hand, can, while they make a change in a specific base, still code for the same amino acid. Also, they could code for a different amino acid but cause no change in the overall function of the protein. In this case, there would be no noticeable effects due to the mutation.

What are the types of mutations that can occur?

nonsense mutation, missense mutation, frameshift muation, deletion or addition mutation