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Q: What is a model used to explain the components and properties of a plasma membrane?
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What model is used to explain the componets and properties of plasma membrane?

The model used to explain the components and properties of the plasma membrane is called the fluid mosaic.

The is a model used to explain the components and properties of a plasma membrane?

Fluid-mosaic model

What is a lipid and protein model that is used to explain the components and properties of the plasma membrane?

fluid-mosiac modelramon C.Fluid mosaic model

What are three components of a typical eukaryotic?

The three main components of a eukaryotic cell is the plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus. The plasma membrane consists of proteins, phospholipids, and cholesterol.

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plasma membrane proteins

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What are three components of the plasma membrane?

phospholipid bilayer, channel proteins, and carbohydrate chains

Which of these are major components of a cell plasma membrane ribosomes Golgi Apparatus and ER?

They are all very important components.

What does fluid mosaic mean in reference to the plasma membrane?

A plasma membrane is described as mosaic because all the different components such as proteins and phospholipids, of varying shape and size, give the effect of the stones of a mosaic. It is described as fluid because these components can move freely within the membrane.

Three components of the plasma membrane other than phospholipids?

Proteins , carbohydrates , lipids .

What components of the plasma membrane is described by the fluid mosaic model?

embedded in a lipid bilayer

Descrive the major componunts and explain the main physical properties of blood?

the main components of blood is platlets,plasma,red blood cells, and white blood cells. hope that helps!