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"The American Heart Association (AHA) says that for people with normal cholesterol levels, keeping total dietary cholesterol intake to less than 300 milligrams daily is adequate. For folks with high LDL, the AHA recommends keeping cholesterol intake under 200 milligrams a day" SOURCE:

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13y ago

Less than 200 mg/dLDesirable level that puts you at lower risk for coronary Heart disease. A cholesterol level of 200 mg/dL or higher raises your risk.200 to 239 mg/dLBorderline high240 mg/dL and aboveHigh blood cholesterol. A person with this level has more than twice the risk of coronary heart disease as someone whose cholesterol is below 200 mg/dL.

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9y ago

Average cholesterol level's for healthy adults in a healthy weight zone is categorized in different categories. Your total cholesterol levels should be below 200 mg/dl, your LDL cholesterol levels should be below 130 mg/dl, your HDL cholesterol levels should be above 40 mg/dl (for men) and 50 mg/dl (for women), and your Triglycerides levels should be below 150 mg/dl. As long as you fall within a close median to those levels you should have a healthy collateral level.

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12y ago

There really is no such thing as a "normal" cholesterol, as it varies widely depending on family history, exercise regime, and many other factors. Less than 200 mg/dl is generally considering a safe level of cholesterol in the blood.

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12y ago

Cholesterol levels in humans vary with the age of the individual, his or her genetic factors, lifestyle and diet. It is recommended that adults over the age of 20 have a cholesterol level check every five years. A buildup of cholesterol in the bloodstream can lead to serious problems with the cardiovascular system including blocked arteries and even heart failure. Understanding the normal levels of cholesterol and what the numbers represent is very helpful when managing one's health.

Good And Bad Cholesterol

Cholesterol is actually a necessary component of our cells. The cell membranes are constructed of cholesterol along with other compounds. Cholesterol is therefore a required part of the diet. Unfortunately many people have an excess of cholesterol in their system. Too much cholesterol can concentrate in arteries and even within the heart chambers.

There are two types of cholesterol. The first is known as LDL, which stands for low-density lipoprotein. A lipoprotein will attach itself to cholesterol units and transport them to the cells. Cholesterol is not soluble in blood and therefore needs to be directed to its destination. High-density cholesterol is usually abbreviated as HDL and this combination of lipoprotein and cholesterol compound is also found throughout the bloodstream. High-density lipoproteins carry unused cholesterol back to the liver for recycling or elimination.

Understanding The Cholesterol Level Readings

Too much LDL is considered a health risk. On the other hand a higher level of HDL is a good thing. This means that more of the cholesterol not needed by the body can be transported back to the liver. Cholesterol readings are given as whole numbers. The number represents the total milligrams of cholesterol in one-tenth of a liter of fluid.

A LDL level of 130 or less indicates a normal amount of this type of cholesterol. A level between 130 and 160 is considered moderately high while a level between 160 and 190 usually means trouble. Individuals with an LDL level above 190 are a candidate for severe cardiovascular problems.

An HDL level of 60 or above is considered healthy, but a lower reading may indicate a risk of heart disease. The total cholesterol reading for a healthy person should read no higher than 200. This includes the levels of both the HDL and LDL as well as other lipids present in the blood.

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12y ago

Cholesterol is a hot topic in health and wellness, with cholesterol playing an integral role in both diet and overall health. Cholesterol is a form of lipid, or fat, which is constantly running through the bloodstream. However, not all forms of cholesterol are created equal. Cholesterol is broken down into two main types -- HDL, or "good" cholesterol, and LDL, or "bad cholesterol". Both types of cholesterol are measured to help determine disease factors, especially the risks for heart disease.

LDL cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein, is considered bad cholesterol due to its ability to attach to the walls of the blood vessels. As levels of LDL cholesterol get too high in the blood, the cholesterol calcifies into a substance called cholesterol plaque, which blocks the blood vessels, and makes it more difficult for blood to pass freely through the bloodstream. This results in higher blood pressure, along with a dramatically higher risk for Heart diseases, heart attacks and strokes. HDL cholesterol, or high-density lipoprotein, is considered good cholesterol due to its effects on bad cholesterol. This is due to HDL's abilities to transport LDL cholesterol out of the blood to the liver, reducing the levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream.

Cholesterol is measured as part of a specific blood test called a lipid panel. After blood is drawn, a medical professional runs the test to measure levels of cholesterol in mg per dL of blood. Results are given both as total cholesterol, as well as broken down into HDL and LDL cholesterol. Ideally, the American Heart Association recommends that a total cholesterol number remain below 200 mg per dL. Anything above 240 is considered high. Individual LDL cholesterol levels are recommended to stay below 100, with 160 and higher considered high. Unlike LDL, HDL numbers need to be higher, with the AHA recommending a healthy level of above 60.

Certain basic lifestyle changes can be employed to help lower LDL or raise HDL levels. Eating a healthy diet high in vegetables, whole grains and fruits, and low in fatty meats, is one substantial way to improve levels. Exercising at least 150 minutes each week can also help improve cholesterol and reduce the risks for cholesterol-related heart diseases.

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12y ago

Cholesterol is checked from a simple blood test, called a lipid profile. People should be screened for these levels at least once every five years after the age of 20, more frequently if they are men over 35 and women over 45. Cholesterol checks include testing for LDL, HDL, and triglycerides. LDL is the bad cholesterol, called low-density lipoprotein. HDL is the good cholesterol, called high-density lipoprotein. Triglycerides are the fats that are in the bloodstream from the food ingested. Numbers will vary depending on which type is tested, as well as there may be a "total cholesterol" number.

LDLThe bad cholesterol, or LDL, can build up in the arteries and veins, raising the chance for heart disease. The lower this number is the better. Normal ranges for LDL cholesterol are less than 100 but 100 to 129 is near optimal. It is considered borderline high if over 130, high if over 160, and very high if over 190. HDL

The good cholesterol protects against coronary disease but taking the fatty cholesterol out of the blood, reducing its chances for building up on artery walls. A high range for the HDL cholesterol is under 50 in women and under 40 in men. A range of 60 or above is optimal.


These are chemicals that most body and food fat have. A high number of these can lead to more heart disease risks. A normal range is under 150, while over 150 is moderately high, over 200 is high, and over 500 is very high.

Total Cholesterol

Total cholesterol takes into account all three of the types of cholesterol into one number. A normal total cholesterol range is under 200, while over 200 is moderately high, and over 240 is considered high.

Cholesterol is found in animal products, reducing these in the diet can help lower your total cholesterol.

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11y ago

300 milligrams a day or less is the recommended amount of cholesterol.

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10y ago

A normal cholesterol level depends on the age and gender of a person. The most desirable level of a normal cholesterol is below 5.2 mmol/L. It is important to do that.

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12y ago

A normal cholesterol level is one that is both not high, but not low. One that is at a normal level within the body is the best level that should be. A normal number is around 200.

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You can learn more about cholesterol level at It has everything you would need to know about cholesterol including the normal and healthy level of cholesterol.


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Your LDL or bad cholesterol level is the one that you should be most concerned about. 200 is a good number, but a cholesterol level around 100 is considered optimal.

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There is not a normal cholesterol level for everybody even if you specify the age, height, and weight. It would be best to talk to your doctor. YOUR TOTAL CHOLESTEROL LEVEL FOR EVERYONE SHOULD BE 200 OR LESS THE LDL THAT IS THE BAD SHOULD BE 100 OR LESS. HOPE THIS HELPS . "what is the normal cholesterol level for a 34 years old male who is6 feet 3 tall and weighs 210 pounds?" is dizziness cause by cholesterol Desirable is < 200 Desirable is < 200 irrespective of age, weight or height The doctor knows after test. normal cholesterol level for a woman 49 and 5'5 feet tall and weighs 218 there is not an actual level based on height, weight or age. there is in fact a normal range and that range is from 135 to 200. What is the normal cholesterol level for a 35 year old male who is 6 feet tall and weighs 189 normaly cholesterol level is less then 200

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Yes, normal cholesterol level is 200, if your number is 218, then it is high. Your doctor will be able to tell you if you need medication to control your cholesterol or if you can do it with a different diet.