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Q: What is a physical property of carbon?
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Is carbon a physical property or chemical property?

Carbon is a chemical element, not a property.

Is black a chemical property of carbon?

Black is the physical color of carbon, not its chemical property.

Carbon that cannot be decomposed a physical property or a chemical property?

Chemical property, it cannot be decomposed by ordinary chemical change.

What is the sublimation of carbon dioxide a chemical property or chemical change?

It is a change in physical state, which is a physical change.

Can one physical property of paper is that it will burn easily?

That is a chemical property. A physical property could be its mass, volume, density, physical state, or that it can tear easily. A physical property is one that does not change the chemical composition of the substance.

Carbon is added to engine parts to enhance which property?

enhance is physical properties

Is carbon dioxide a physical or chemical property?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a chemical compound consisting of one carbon atom bonded to two oxygen atoms. It is a chemical property because it describes the composition and arrangement of atoms in a substance. However, in terms of physical properties, carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless gas at standard temperature and pressure.

Is a plant making sugar out of water and carbon dioxide a physical property?

No. It is a chemical change.

Is hardness a physical or chemical property?

physical property

Why is charcoal brittle?

Many nonmetals are brittle and Carbon is a non metal. Charcoal is a carbon compound so charcoal is brittle having the physical property of carbon.

What physical property is shared by oxygen helium and carbon dioxide?

Being gasses, each of these is compressible.

What physical property of carbon dioxide allows gas to be collected?

As it is a gas, it can flow into a jar, i think .............................