

What is a play called when it makes fun of something?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is a play called when it makes fun of something?
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What is a play called that makes fun of something?

It is called parody... You could've googled it....

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i think you just type it in on Google or something :) if you get to play have fun :D i think you just type it in on google or something :) if you get to play have fun :D

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Generally, it is called a parody. But not all parodies are meant to make fun of the original. Some are made just for fun, and not to offend the first one.

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i think you just type it in on google or something :) if you get to play have fun :D i think you just type it in on google or something :) if you get to play have fun :D

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play a game, or go outside, its easy to have fun do something you love to do!!!!$$$ vote for me babygirl310!!!

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There is a game called Mia before and after. It has the same characters and it is really fun. Hope this helps.(:

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tickle it feed it or play puzzle.

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Play with them, bring out a board game, play hide and seek,do something! Kids want to be listened to, so go have fun with your kids!

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A religion that makes fun of something--check out the Church of the Subgenius