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my very excellent mother just served us nachos

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Q: What is a pneumonic device to help remember the planets?
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It help you understand and identify things better. Like, in my cass answering this dun question! "Why should that mnemonic device be changed?" okay so like you know the order of planets why should it be changed-

What are the drawbacks to using mnemonic devices to remember key concepts?

Using "memory tricks" is actually a great way to improve your memory! There aren't a lot of drawbacks, as anything you do to help you remember something is a good thing. One problem people can have is forgetting the actual mnemonic device! It won't do you any good to know there's some phrase you memorized to help you remember the names of the planets in order if you can't remember what that phrase was.

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What does pnemonic mean?

It doesn't mean anything. Mnemonic, however, is a device to help remember information.

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Heres a Pneumonic Device to help you with remembering the Metric System. Kids Have Dogs But Dogs Cost Money Kilo Hecto Deca Base Deci Centi Milli So 2.5cm = 25mm.

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shovel for help at a garage sale on monday in alaska and remember popiseed muffin rock!

What are the 8 planets in the Solar System - The Q?

In order outwards from the Sunthey are: Mercury, Venus, Earth,Mars,Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.To help you remember the order of the planets, remember this mnemonic device:"My very educated mother just served us nachos."The first letter of each word in the sentence is the first letter of the name of a planet in order starting closest to the sun:My --> Mercuryvery --> Venuseducated --> Earthmother --> Marsjust --> Jupiterserved --> Saturnus --> Uranusnachos --> Neptune

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Im looking for a mnemonic to help me remember how to spell the following words: interrupt imaginary concentration

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That sounds like a humorous sentence using a mnemonic to help remember the order of the planets in our solar system. The sentence could represent: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

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