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Q: What is a premature ventricular contraction is classified as a?
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What does the medical abbreviation VPC mean?

Ventricular Premature Contraction

What would a premature ventricular contraction in which the QRS waves have the same configuration each time they appear be described as?

A group of premature ventricular contractions in which the QRS configuration is always the same are referred to as monomorphic premature ventricular contractions.

The term PVC in relation to heart function means?

Premature Ventricular Contraction

What is the defining characteristic of a Premature ventricular contraction?

Flutters in throat and chest, dizzyness, and fatigue. Flutters in throat and chest, dizzyness, and fatigue.

What is PVC of the heart?

Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) are extra heartbeats that begin in one of your heart's two lower pumping chambers (ventricles). These extra beats disrupt your regular heart rhythm, sometimes causing you to feel a fluttering or a skipped beat in your chest. Premature ventricular contractions are common — they occur in many people. They're also called: Premature ventricular complexes Ventricular premature beats Ventricular extrasystoles If you have occasional premature ventricular contractions, but you're otherwise healthy, there's probably no reason for concern, and no need for treatment. If you have frequent premature ventricular contractions or underlying heart disease, you might need treatment.

Which wave length is larger atrial contraction or ventricular contraction?

the ventricular contraction wave is larger

Which wave is larger the one for atrial contraction or the one for ventricular contraction?

Ventricular contraction wave is larger

What does inadequate ventricular systole mean?

It is a defective ventricular contraction.

What does ventricular repolarization result in?


How many seconds does ventricular contraction last?

The normal time of ventricular contraction depends on the heart rate. The QT segment represents the ventricular contraction on an ECG exam. The corrected QT segment is 0.45 seconds for men and 0.46 seconds for women.

What is ventricular escape?

purkinjie fiber develops a rhythm of its own & ventricular contraction occur

What is the ventricular contraction period?

This is called the systole :)