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Rain is:

the tears of heavens

the burden that the clouds cannot carry any longer

the gift which the plants have been waiting for

the shower which cleanses the Earth

how the ground cools after being scorched by the sun

the particles of gloom which keeps me in my house.

Those are all that I managed to come up with, hope I helped!

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1mo ago

Raindrops are nature's tears, Gently falling from the skies. Each drop a whisper of solace, As they paint the world alive.

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Q: What is a short metaphor poem about rain?
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One example of a metaphor in "The Carpenter's Complaint" poem is the line "My roof is all worn out with letting in the rain," where the roof symbolizes the carpenter's deteriorating financial situation. Another example is "My nails are all consumed with rust," where the nails represent the carpenter's lost opportunities.

How do you write a poem where the metaphor is evident?

You must find a simple metaphor to use.

How can you use rain as a metaphor?

Rain being used in a metaphor is common and an easy metaphor. Here is one of the more popular or common metaphors used relating to 'rain'. If you were describing a sad person you could take the sentence, "She cried," and switch it around. You first should start small with a simile; "When she cried it was like rain." Then make it a metaphor and as you know a metaphor does not use 'like' or 'as'. "Her crying was rain," or something similar pertaining to rain or perhaps other weather conditions. Using 'rain' as a metaphor is quite easy plus you can explore the other weather metaphors!

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An exaggerated metaphor can be used in a poem to create an extremely strong image. Their is no mistaking what the author is writing about in such a case.

Metaphor for drifted snow?
