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You really need to talk to the pediatrician about this. The umbilical cord usually has two arteries carrying blood from the baby to the placenta to be reoxygentated and one vein carrying oxygenated blood back from the placenta to the baby. Occasionally having only one artery is a sign that there is a problem with the baby, usually a kidney problem. YOu will find that your baby has tests to make sure his/her kidneys are working properly.

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Q: What is a single artery umbilical cord?
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What is the nature of an artery in the umbilical cord of a fetus?

The nature of an artery in the umbilical cord is to take waste products from the baby. It is then sent back to the placenta by two veins.

Is single umbilical artery bad?


What does it mean if there is only 1 vein and 1 artery in the umbilical cord?

congenital renal artery stenosis

How many vessels are in an umbilical cord?

Two - 1 artery and 2 veins

What is fate of umbilical artery and vein?

The umbilical artery forms the superior vesicle arteries and in males it becomes the artery to the ductus deferens in the penis.The right umbilical vein degenerates and the left becomes the ligamentum teres around the liver.

What is the tube which attaches the embryo to the placenta called?

The umbilical cord. The umbilical cord has the function of sending blood to the baby and returning blood from the baby after it has been utilized. There are two arteries in the umbilical cord that do this.

What is the function of the umbilical artery?

The umbilical cord - supplies blood and nutrition to the developing foetus. It's linked into the mother's circulatory system.

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What if your baby pulls on his umbilical cord?

Actually it's impossible... You can read more about the umbilical cord here: <a href=""></a>

Are their two arteries and one vein or two veins and one artery in the umbilical cord?

This is to facilitate the exchange of materials between foetus and placenta.

What connects embryo to mother?

not sure what you mean by "which of these" but the umbilical cord connects the embryo to the mother.

What does it mean if a baby is born with only one artery and one vein in the umbilical cord?

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