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Q: What is a special software program that makes the hardware work?
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Is the sims a hardware or software?

The Sims is a game and thus it is a program. That makes it software. It is not a computer part.The key thing to keep in mind is that hardware is the physical parts of the computer, while software is invisible. If you want to be technical, a CD or DVD is really hardware. The information that is stored on it is the software. Just like a cassette tape, LP, or 8-track is not music, but merely the container for the music, a diskette, CD, DVD, or memory stick is not a program, but merely a container for programs.Now if you mean a SIMM (single inline memory module), that is hardware.

What is meant by computer hardware and software?

Hardware is a physical component that exists in machinery. This is usually the actual arm or a piece of it on the outside, or items that make the machine work. In computers, a piece of hardware would be the fan, or the motherboard. A piece of software is a program or piece of data that is run by hardware (or multiple items of hardware put together) to complete a task or function. Software would include operating systems, games, and other applications. Roughly speaking, if you can touch it, it's hardware. The software is the code which runs computers - such as operations software, or which allows us to do things with a comouter, such as applications software, or utilities software.

What is software?

Software is a term for a set of instructions, which makes a computer to perform a task. The set of instructions are commonly known as a program, without which computers cannot do any operations. A software is classified broadly in to two groups, application software, which includes normal utility applications like microsoft word, powerpoint etc that interacts and performs user specific tasks and system software, such as operating systems, which interacts directly with hardware to make the system work and also provide a platform for other applications to work. Computer software, or simply software is any set of machine-readable instructions that directs a computer's processor to perform specific operations. A software is a program or other information used by a computer to operate. Anything that is saved or stored in an electronic format is called as a software. A software performs necessary functions to run a set of actions.Software means a collection of computer data and instructions. Generally speaking, software contains programming languages, system software, application software and other middleware. Not only the program, running on PCs, is considered as software, some documents related to computer program are also deemed as software. Thus we can define software as an aggregate of program and documents.From World Book Encyclopedia:Software is a general term for computer programs. A computer program consists primarily of a sequence of instructions. The instructions tell a computer what to do and how to do it.How software works. Software works together with hardware. Hardware includes the physical parts of a computer, such as its keyboard, screen, processor, and memory chips. Software provides instructions and data (information) that hardware is a set of rules to perform a specific topic The word software is a noun. The programs and operating information installed on your computer is software.

Do they still sell sega?

sega still makes software, but not hardware anymore.

What are implications of computer software on computer hardware?

makes the computer and the hardware within faster or slower, also if its a big software file it can give you less hard drive space.

Is a moniter harware or software?

A computer monitor - is a piece of hardware.

Is a firewall made up of hardware and software?

It is made up of only Software; or else you would get a physical item [except the disc] with packages like Norton... Hardware = physical piece(s) of equipment [i.e. motherboard,graphics card, RAM etc.] Software = code that makes up a program which can be executed [opened] by the Operating system [i.e. Anti viruses, Firewalls, Games etc.]

How many laptops does Microsoft make a year?

NONE, the company which started out being named Microcomputer Software creates and sells software and a few bits of hardware. Apple on the other foot makes both hardware and software including the operating system

What is another name for application software?

Top-level System

Are Apple computers reliable?

Yes. Apple makes their own computers AND software so they have full control over what hardware will work for their software. Microsoft only makes the Windows OS but anyone can make the hardware (the actual computer). That's when the problems start up when the manufacturers don't follow Microsofts guide lines on Hardware compatibilitie.

Are CDs DVDs and tapes examples of software?

Put simply no. CDs, DVD's and tapes are things used to store the data that makes up software. Admittedly new software these days tends to come on CD or DVD, so this is an easy thing to confuse. In the early days of computers, when people had to invent new words to describe specific concepts, the words "Hardware" and "Software" were brought into common use. The Hardware was the physical devices and items that made up the computer. While the Software was any program that runs on the computer.

Www.symmetricsnet is this ISV company?

An ISV (independent software vendor) makes and sells software products that run on one or more computer hardware or OS platforms