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Squaw is a phonetic rendering of Algonkian words mean woman- the complete woman, or all that is female or womanly. It is not the word but the Way it is said that will make it offensive or not.

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16y ago
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11y ago

Squaw is a term used for an indigenous women of North America. The word squaw has sometimes been used in a negative way. If squaw is used in the correct way, it should not be considered offensive.

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9y ago

Squàws - woman, Squàwsuck - women, Squásese - A little Girle, Sauncksquûaog - Queenes, Keegsquaw - A Virgin or Maide, Segousquaw - A Widdow.

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10y ago

A squaw dance

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Squaw is considered a pejorative, meaning the female sexual organ.

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The use of the word "squaw" in reference to Indigenous women is considered disrespectful and derogatory. It is recommended to avoid using the term and to refer to Indigenous women by their specific tribal or cultural identity.

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Yes, the word 'squaw' is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a derogatory word for a Native American woman or wife or any woman.

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Squaw is a derogatory and offensive term historically used to refer to Indigenous women in North America. It is important to use respectful and accurate terminology when referring to Indigenous peoples and their cultures.

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observing what the speakers do with it

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What is the meaning of squaw?

A female; a woman; -- in the language of Indian tribes of the Algonquin family, correlative of sannup.