

What is a standard library function?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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fsetpos for example.

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Q: What is a standard library function?
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What is standard library function in c?

The Standard Librarary Function in C is printf,scanf inf Standard input output header.. which is stdio.h.

Which function is used to read data from the console?

The scanf() function in the <stdio.h> C standard library header.

Is there a function similar to the C plus plus scanf function in JavaScript?

Scanf is part of the C standard library. Although the C++ standard library includes 18 headers from the ISO C90 standard, their usage in C++ is deprecated. However, to answer the question, there is no equivalent to scanf in JavaScript.

What is date function in c?

There is no 'date' in the standard C library. You might have thought of 'time'.

What is function of clrscr in c langugage?

Not part of the standard library, on some platform it clears the screen.

How do you enter a sentence as input in c plus plus?

Use the C++ getline() function from the standard library.

What is a library function in C plus plus?

This are the predefined functions in c, which are already write.Examples : printf(),scanf().

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How do you write a program in C to convert capital letters into small letters?

Use the tolower() function in the C standard library.

What are the pre-defined function in c plus plus?

The C++ standard library contains all the pre-defined functions.

Are there any STL headers which are not part of the C plus plus Standard Library?

The Standard Library includes the Standard Template Library (STL). Therefore no, there are no STL headers that are not part of the Standard Library.

What is the alternate function for clrscr function in c language?

What do you mean by \'alternate function of clrscr\'? A function that undoes clrscr? Or one that fills the screen with random characters? Anyway, clrscr is not part of the standard C library, it is DOS-specific.