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Q: What is a true scary story about ghost?
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Is there a ghost in the cemetery on ghost story?

yes there is a scary ghost

How do you describe a ghost in a story?

Horrible, terrible, scary, frightening, repulsive, despicable, white. Hope it helps.

Why is atmosphere of a ghost story important?

If you tell a scary story in a pink house, it is not scary. Tell a ghost story in the dark, in an environment that puts people in an insecure state, for best effect.

Are all scary movies true?

No.. Only if they say true story on them..

What type of story ends in an unhappy ending?

scary stories like Canada's true ghost stories 3 they end like some one dies or ya...

Is the exocist a true story?

yha it is so scary

What is a true scary story?

Schindler's List or In Cold Blood or Hotel Rawanda all true, truly scary stories.

Does ghost ship a true story?

Well yeah,some people say, that's not true.But ghost ship was a true story in 1700.

What makes a ghost story entertaining?

Scary, totally random moments, and the big build up to whatever the main part of the story is.

Are scary films real?

That depends on if the film is based on a true story or not.

Anyone Got A Good Scary Creepy Long-ish Fake Ghost Story?

Read Lovecraft. ;)

What website will show you really scary ghost pictures?

the scary ghost pictures website