

What is a turkey mite?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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9y ago

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Turkey mites are nasty little tiny immature stages of a tiny tick that if you manage to walk through a patch of them will make you miserable in a whole new way. I think the best description of them is psycho chiggers. I am in Kentucky and we have had an incredible come back of deer and wild turkey, but with this has come all kinds of new vermin we are now having to deal with namely an incredible variety of ticks. I often joke my scent of choice is Deep Woods Off or whatever bug spray is handy just to go out into the yard, and in another article I will give you some great tips on repelling all of these pesky critters. But TURKEY MITES oh what an itch.

Well now identifying what your itch is will really help in being rid of it. If you have ever had poison ivy the patches that break out look very much like the initial break out of poison ivy, just no blisters. Patches will keep breaking out in places that seem to have nothing to do with where the first one broke out. I started out with a patch on my neck then on the back of my hand then on my arm then on my cheek and I knew I hadn't been in poison ivy. I got lucky and ran into someone who had just had them a couple of weeks before and she gave me instant heads up on relief from this insane itching that made no sense. Oh just so you know…they aren't contagious like lice, so don't go nuts just because you have figured out what your itch is. But I still washed all of my bedding in hot water for just in case.

Relief is quick and easy just go buy a bottle of lice shampoo, wash with it then take the shampoo and rub it on the areas like lotion and let it dry, if they start itching again just rub more on and let it dry. You will begin healing within a day or two and no more outbreaks. I had another friend who said that taking a bath with a couple of cap fulls of bleach in the water would work too. This is great to do also if you have been out in the woods where there are seed ticks, they are so tiny they look like a small freckle walking around on you and this will kill them before you have new tiny friends sucking your blood.

I hope you never get to have this experience but if you do don't forget this solution!

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9y ago

There are a variety of symptoms of turkey mites. These include bumps, rashes, small bites, as well as severe itching.

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what do they look like

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