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Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up metabolic reaction rates by lowering the reaction's activation energy. Proteins and RNA molecules can both function as enzymes.

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Q: What is a type of protein or RNA molecule that speeds up metabolic reactions in plants and animals without being permanently changed or destroyed?
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What is the energy molecule that is produced by cellular respiration and used in metabolic reactions?

adenosine triphosphate

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What is the energy molecule that is produced by cellular respiration and is used in metabolic reaction?

The energy molecule produced by cellular respiration and used in metabolic reactions is called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is synthesized during cellular respiration and serves as the main energy currency of the cell, providing the energy needed for various cellular processes and metabolic reactions.

What are the energy molecule that is produced by cellular respiration and used in metabolic reactions?

ATPs are produce in respiration.they are the universal energy currency.

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There are fewer metabolic reactions for disassembling the corn oil and re-assembling the parts into a triglyceride for uptake by the fat cells.

What is the most likely explanation for the body's higher metabolic efficiency of converting a molecule of corn oil into stored fat compared with a molecule of sucrose?

There are fewer metabolic reactions for disassembling the corn oil and re-assembling the parts into a triglyceride for uptake by the fat cells.

What is an example of a metabolic molecule?


What destroyed and what is created during chemical reactions?

I wouldn't think about it as things being destroyed. Chemical bonds are being modified during chemical reactions, so you may be breaking down a molecule into other molecules, or adding a piece on to a molecule, but you aren't really destroying or gaining anything new, just new forms. Energy can be either given off or "consumed" during a reaction.

What is destroyed and created during chemical reactions?

I wouldn't think about it as things being destroyed. Chemical bonds are being modified during chemical reactions, so you may be breaking down a molecule into other molecules, or adding a piece on to a molecule, but you aren't really destroying or gaining anything new, just new forms. Energy can be either given off or "consumed" during a reaction.

What in a molecule influences the way that a molecule reacts.?

Functional groups are responsible for chemical reactions of molecules.

Explain why ATP molecule splits?

ATP contains three phosphate groups. The third phosphate group (the outermost one) is called the alpha phosphate. The breaking of this phosphate bond is accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy which can be used to drive key steps in metabolic reactions. With the removal of alpha phosphate, the remainder molecule is ADP