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woodlice like to live under things that are dark so they don't get dried out, eg: under

stones, plant pots, and under bricks and wood.

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Q: What is a woodlices habitat?
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What is a woodlices favorite food?

Woodlices' favourite food are woods

How do woodlices CURL up?

By rolling up their body into a ball

What are woodlices habitats?

Commonly found under rotting wood.

What are woodlices adaptations?

damp conditions and under wood and rocks

How do woodlouse breathe?

They breathe through gills that can be located on their backs (like woodlices) .

What is a woodlices adaptations?

well i only know one: they have large antenaes to detect predators

Were do woodlice come from in the world?

woodlice come from the places that are warm, and then they produce more woodlices hope you carry this info

What do woodlices drink?

Woodlice dont drink liquid anything it will dry out there sceleton

The place where an organism usually lives?

In a habitat

The place where an organism lives is called its?

habitat, niche, environment are all used to describe this.

A is the place where a population lives?

it is a habitat

What is the natural home of an animal?
