

What is abbreviation of million?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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13y ago

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MM is an abbreviation that may represent one million (See 1st related link below).

M typically represents one thousand, so "MM" literally conveys "a thousand thousand".

--M is the roman numeral for 1000. Roman numerals do not interpret adjacency in the same way as equations (ie multiplication). MM would simply be 2000 much as II is 2. This reasoning may or may not be the reasoning for the formation and acceptance of the abbreviation but is a fallacy.

The following site shows that a small "m" can abbreviate million:

See 2nd link below for this site

"Abbreviations - 'Standardised' Checklist

Kilogram(s) = kg or kilos

Kilometre(s) = km

Pound(s) = lb (from the Latin libra)

Miles per hour = mph

Kilometres per hour = kph

When used with figures, there is no space between the figure and the abbreviation, eg, 5mph.

GDP = gross domestic product

CAP = common agricultural policy

IOU = I owe you

LC = letter of credit

LCs = letters of credit

p5 = page 5

pp5-15 = pages 5 to 15

P D Kennedy

PO Box

kW = kilowatt

mW = one thousandth of a watt

MW = one million watts



b = byte

kb = kilobyte

Mb = megabyte

Gb = gigabyte

Eb = exabyte

C = carbon

Pb = lead

14C = carbon-14

CO4 = carbon dioxide

CFCs = chlorofluorocarbons

US$5m = 5 million US dollars

That is = ie (from the Latin id est)

For example = eg (from the Latin exempli gratia)

And so on = etc (from the Latin et cetera)

Namely, to wit = viz (from the Latin videlicet)

These are followed by a comma except when they are at the end of a sentence (which is only possible with 'etc')."

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