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Q: What is active server page and personal home page?
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What is the concept of active server page?

An Active Server Page has two components -- the HTML component which constructs the visual representation and the Code Behind Page which has the Visual Basic code that provides the functionality. In the Code Behind Page, the form is declared as Partial Class ProductNew InheritsSystem.Web.UI.Page This means that the original form is a member of the page class but it is simply a container that doesn't do anything. The Partial class inherits the characteristics of the page but then adds the functionality of the code.

What is the full form of ASAX?

The answer depends on the context. It could mean: Alto saxophone (on musical scores) Active Server Page (.NET framework) Active Server Application Extended

What is the use of aspdotnet?

It is said to be a active server page and that is usd for creating webpage

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What is the full form of MSWC in active server page?

Microsoft Windows Client

What is the difference between home page of websites and home page of web server?

A web page is the basic thing you see on the World Wide Web. Each time the URL changes, the web page changes. Multiple web pages grouped together form a website. A web server is what stores websites and delivers them to a web browser when it is requested.