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an example of a conjunction is:


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Q: What is an example of a word that is a Conjunction?
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What is an example sentence with the word conjunction in it?

i have a conjunction

Is had a conjunction?

No, "had" is not a conjunction. It is a past tense verb indicating an action that took place in the past. Conjunctions are words that connect or join phrases, clauses, or sentences.

Is for a preposition or a conjunction?

The word for can be either a preposition or a conjunction. As a conjunction, it means "because." Example: We headed home, for we were very tired.

What are some example sentences for the word conjunction?

An example sentence using the word "conjunction": The police department displayed its helicopter, SWAT van, and hot rod police car in conjunction with the local community's drug awareness week.

Which one of the following word or words is an example of a correlative conjunction?

either .. or

Which one of the following word or words is an example of a correlation conjunction?

either .. or

Is the word if a conjunction?

Yes, the word "if" can function as a conjunction when used to introduce subordinate clauses expressing conditions or contingencies.

Is the word Although a conjunction?

Yes, "although" is a subordinating conjunction. It is used to introduce a contrast or concession in a sentence.

What is the difference between a cunjuntion and an adjective?

A conjunction connects words, for example, the word 'and' is a conjunction in the phrase 'apples and bananas'. An active describes another word, for example, the word 'red' is an adjective in the phrase 'the red ball'. This sentence has a conjunction and two adjectives: I saw a ship and a giant white whale. (Giant and white are both adjectives describing the whale.)

Can the word like be used as a conjunction in the beggning of the sentence?

Like my father, I pray five times a day. In this sentence, the word like is a conjunction or not. Please give me detail about it and send your example as many as you can.

Is the word myself a conjunction?

No, the word myself is not a conjunction, it is a pronoun.

Is the word therefore a conjunction?

Correct, the word therefore is a conjunction.