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adding leaves to the soil

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Q: What is an example of adding nitrogen to soil?
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Legumes enrich soil by adding nitrogen to it through their?

root nodules

What is an example of the nitrogen cycle?

Where the continuous sequence of nitrogen and nitrogenous compounds in the soil are converted.

What is an example of nitrogen cycle?

Where the continuous sequence of nitrogen and nitrogenous compounds in the soil are converted.

What are the advantages of adding fertilizer to soil that lacks nitrogen?

The fact that nitrogen will be added to the nitrogen deficient soil is the advantage of adding fertilizer. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the major nutrients that plants and soils need. Commercial, conventional, standard, synthetic fertilizers also are called NPK fertilizers. The initials come from the first letters of the scientific names for precisely these three nutrients. Additionally, nitrogen is present in such organic fertilizers as compost. So whether by the inorganic or the organic route, the soil gets nitrogen when it gets a fertilizer treatment.

Why don't farmers have to put nitrogen fertilizer you equals on soybeans?

Because there is no need to. Soybeans are a legume, which means they are capable of fixing nitrogen, taking nitrogen from the atmosphere and adding it to the soil in a more useable form.

What form do plants take nitrogen from soil?

In the form of nitrates and nitrites of ammonia

Does soil contain nitrogen?

Yes, soil does contain nitrogen.

What are the properties of horse manure?

Horse manure is an organic material used as an organic fertilizer. It adds fertility to the soil by adding nutrients, such as nitrogen, and organic matter that will be trapped into the soil.

How do farmers replace nitrogen in the soil?

There are two ways plants put nitrogen into the soil one is decomposition where a plant dies then decomposes putting the nitrogen back into the soil that it once took out. The other is from the air, Legumes are plants that take nitrogen from the air with their leaves and release it into the soil with its roots.

How can someone increase the nitrogen in the soil?

Lightning increases nitrogen in the soil

What does not increase the amount of nitrogen in the soil?

It doesn't. Harvesting removes soil nitrogen

Nitrogen in the soil is used by what?

nitrogen in the soil is used by both plants and animals.