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A dependent variable is a variable that you (the experimenter) do not change. It changes in response to the Independent variable, which is what you change.

For example:

Say I was growing two plants and I wanted to see how they would grow dependent upon how much light they received; I would have one in the dark and one in natural light. The independent variable is how much light they received, and the dependent variable is how much they will grow in response to how much light they get.

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11y ago

A dependent variable is one whose result is based of of the effects of another variable, this is usually the value being measured in an experiment or graph. For example, the graph of velocity is distance over time, since time can not be changed or manipulated, distance is the dependent variable, it is "the slave" of time. Its result depends on that of time
The y in the slope intercept form is a dependent variable.

y = mx + b

y = 2x + 3

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11y ago

An example of a dependent variable is the growth of a plant

If the independent variable is changes, the dependent variable will react to it. For example: the amount sunlight coming in a room (independent variable) changes, the growth of the plant (dependent variable) will change because of the sunlight being effected

Dependent variable - effect

Independent variable - cause

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12y ago

The dependent variable is the thing the changes based on the independent variable. So for example, if you were timing how long different amounts of water take to boil. The time would be the dependent variable because the time depends on the amount of water. the amount of water does not depend on the time.

Some other examples of dependent variables are:

-time it takes to travel to school using different means of transport

-Rainfall in different months

-how much money you've saved after x amount of months working

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Independent and dependent variables are the variables that change during the course of an experiment. An example might be an experiment on how temperature affects plant growth. Changing the temperature is the independent variable, while the level of plant growth that results is the dependent variable.

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Independent and dependent are types of variables. These variables are used mostly in science and math. When using independent variables you can control them dependent variables you cannot.

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