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You can rum for public office.

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Q: What is an example of classical republicanism today?
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What should be the major purpose of government according to classical republicanism?

According to the view of classical republicanism, the primary purpose of government is to promote the common good. Classical republicanism dates back to the Renaissance.

Is classical republican philosophy relevant today?

One of the main features of classical republican philosophy is a focus on civic virtue, which is as relevant today as it ever has been. The roots of classical republicanism can be traced back to the Renaissance.

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Why are small uniform communities a good characteristic of classical republicanism?

The small uniform communities are a good characteristics of the classical republicanism because they are reflection of the society. They are the people who make up the republic.

Which comment most accurately describes idea of classical republicanism?

The maintenance of republican.

Which comment most accurately describes an idea of classical republicanism?

The maintenance of republican.

How do the rights found in the US Constitution and the bill of rights reflect the influence of classical republicanism and natural rights philosophy?

how do the rights found in the u.s constitution and the bill of rights reflect the influence of classical republicanism and natural rights philosophy

Use republicanism in a sentence?

Republicanism is, essentially, the act of being a republican. An example sentence would be: His republicanism was very apparent to everyone that knew him.

Voting is an example of which principle of the constitution?

Voting is an example of REPUBLICANISM (: Smile :)

What is classical republicanism and what are its characteristics?

Classical Republicanism is an early theory of democracy that holds that the best kind of government is one that promotes the "common good" and the welfare of an entire society. Its characteristics include civic virtue, moral education, and small, uniform communities. The earliest examples can be found in the governments of ancient Greece and Rome.

What is an example of republicanism?

Republicanism is basically just electing representatives to vote on different government matters for your state's opinion.