

What is an example of external stimuli?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Sunlight. (A plants leaves always turn torwards the sun

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Q: What is an example of external stimuli?
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A mouse runs for cover in the presence of a cat the cat is an example of stimulus Innate Internal Learned External?

When a mouse runs for cover in the presence of a cat the cat is an example of an external stimulus. Mice have an innate fear of cats, but the cat itself would be an external stimuli.

How can you distinguish between external and internal stimuli?

In biological terms, an internal and external stimuli are distinguishable by the source. For instance, hunger triggers the need to eat. This is an internal stimuli, as the body is stating it needs food. An external stimuli would be feeling the pinch of the needle when donating blood, or feeling the effects of the sun in the form of sunburn.

True or false. We respond to both external and internal stimuli?

True. Hunger is internal, a voice is external.

What is a penguin's sensory organs?

Special sensory neurons in sense organs that receive stimuli from the external environment.

Is a rabbit runs away from a fox an example of an internal stimulus?

No, that would be an example of external stimulus. The fox is external to the rabbit.Internal stimulus is stimuli that comes from inside our own bodies, for example:my stomach is empty and this stimulates my stomach to "growls" so I go and find something to eat.External stimulus is stimuli that comes from outside our own bodies, for example:I walk past a hamburger shop and the smells stimulates nose and makes my mouth water for a "Big Mac" or a "Whopper", so I go inside and order the "full meal deal".

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Can hormones be secreted in response to external stimuli?

yes hormones can be secreted in response to external stimuli. the bast example is adrenal hormone. whenever you are afraid of some external causes it gets released

Distinguish between external and internal stimuli Give an example of each?

internal is in and external is out

What are examples of external stimuli?

Two examples of external stimuli are pain, and temperature.

What are two examples of external stimuli?

Two examples of external stimuli are pain, and temperature.

What is internal stimuli and external stimuli?

Nervous System

Change in their environment causes living things to respond to external stimuli?

Change in the environment is external stimuli and the response of life to external stimuli is adaptation or extinction.

The awareness of internal and external stimuli defines?

Internal stimuli is unconscious stimuli that occurs without conscious thought. External stimuli occurs from outside sources that procur conscious thought.

An example of external stimuli in social care?

An example is the pineal gland responding to reduced daylight by the increase of the production of melatonin.Hope this help :)

What is an example of an external stimulation?

An example of an external stimulus and response is:For example:Stimulus- fall and hit your kneeResponse- You either bleed or get a bruiseorStimulus- they hit your arm with a baseballResponse- you get a bruiseso those are my examples of an external stimulus and response :)

What is the difference between external and internal stimuli?

internal is in and external is out

Types of stimuli?

Stimuli are composed of two types: The Internal Stimuli and External Stimuli. Under internal stimuli are homeostatic imbalances and blood pressure. On the other hand, external stimuli are vision, touch and pain, taste, smell, equilibrium and sound.

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