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In "A Lesson Before Dying," a sarcastic example can be found when Grant Wiggins sarcastically remarks to Miss Emma that he is "touched" by her suggestion that he can make a difference in Jefferson's life. This highlights Grant's skepticism and frustration with the situation he is placed in.

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A Lesson Before Dying was created in 1993.

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The ISBN for "A Lesson Before Dying" by Ernest J. Gaines is 978-0375702709.

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A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines has around 256 pages in its standard edition.

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One example of satire in A Lesson Before Dying is the portrayal of the white community's ignorance and prejudice towards the African American characters. Gaines uses satire to critique the racist attitudes and beliefs prevalent in the society of the novel, highlighting the absurdity and injustice of such discrimination.

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Page 8

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The trial in the book "A Lesson Before Dying" by Ernest J. Gaines takes place on the day of Jefferson's sentencing. He is falsely accused of murder and is sentenced to death by electrocution.