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The octet rule is when an atom/element has a complete valence electron shell. Group 18 (the noble gases) always follows the octet rule, and sometimes certain ions of elements can follow the octet rule.

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11y ago

The Octet Rule says that atoms will usually gain, lose, or share electrons in order to have a total of 8 electrons in their outer shell. An exception to this rule are free radicals

For example, chlorine (Cl) is from Group VII and has 7 valence electrons. It will gain one electron (eg from sodium which loses one electron to form Na+) to form Cl-, which has 8 valence electrons and so fulfills the octet rule and is stable.

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H20 (water)

2 hytrogen atoms have a total of 2 electrons, an Oxygen atom contain one electron. so they go through covalent bond to get the total of 8 electrons for oxygen

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Give example of octet rule?

Az important rule: any octet has to have eight parts, otherwise it is not an octet.

How does oxygen not follow the octet rule?

It does follow the octet rule!

How does the octet rule explain the formation of a sodium ion?

Na atom ion has an electronic configuration 2,8,1 On losing one electron it forms Na+ cation, with the configuration of 2,8 thereby obeying octet rule.

Is NH3 an exception to the octet rule?

No, CH4 follows the octet rule.

What are the characteristic forms of Octet Rule?

There are a number of characteristic forms of Octet Rules. These rules for example indicate that sets of 8 must be completed at a time.

What are 3 atoms are exceptions to the octet rule?

Boron is one. It exceeds the octet rule.

In which bonding patterns does X obey the octet rule?

no it does not follow octet rule

Will any of the chlorine oxides obey the octet rule?

No chlorine oxides will obey the octet rule.

What states that atoms tend to gain lose or share electrons in order to achieve a full set of valence electrons typically?

The octet rule.

What is octet rule and give two examples which do not follow this rule?

The octet rule is a rule in chemistry where elements want to form bonds to attain 8 electrons in their valence shell. An example of this would be sodium chloride. Bonds that don't have 8 electrons in their valence shell don't follow this rule

Do Cu plus and Cu2 plus plus violate the octet rule?

The octet rule does not apply to transition metals.

What is significant of octet rule?

The octet rule is the tendency of many chemical elements to have eight electrons in the valence shell.