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lots of very,very,very,very uberly awesome dates

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13y ago
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12y ago

the golden age, the byzantine period, and the ottoman period look up for more information

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Q: What is an important dates in history in Greece?
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Some of the important events that happened during the Greece's history is the settling of Greek settlers to create colonies in Asia Minor.

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Why dates is important in history?

As history is all about knowing the past, it is important to know what has happened as well as when it has happen. It is the dates which give us the idea of time at which various events unfolded in the past. Also by knowing about the dates of important events in history of different civilizations and cultures a comparative study of important historical events can be done.

What is the importance of dates in history?

dates are important b,coz they organize dates in a systematic or a chronological way

What is importance of dates in history?

dates are important b,coz they organize dates in a systematic or a chronological way

What are some important dates in history in Romania?

look at timeline..