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AnswerIf there are flies in a compost pile, there's an inbalance between carbon and nitrogen in the pile. There are a couple of ways to keep flies away from your compost pile...

First of all try not to add meat, fish, or dairy products to your pile. Concentrated nitrogen sources like these and attract flies, as well as rats. If you do add them, chop them up, and bury them in the middle of the pile. Cover them with existing compost, dry leaves, straw, and/or sawdust. Fruit or vegetable matter should also be chopped and buried in the middle of the pile.

This makes it hard for flies to reach the high-nitrogen materials to lay their eggs. Increasing the amount of "brown", high-carbon materials gives bacteria the upper hand in the pile. They'll break the scraps down before they can attact flies.

If you can you should shred your compost materials before adding to the pile to about two inch pieces. This will speed up decomposition and increase the temperature of the pile. High temperatures kill existing fly larva.

Rotating and aerating your pile can also help get rid of maggots since they can not survive in the center of a compost pile because of the heat.

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Q: What is an organic way to keep flies away from a compost pile?
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How to Create Natural Lawn Fertilizer?

Chemical lawn fertilizer can be harmful to the environment because it seeps down into the water table and contaminates our drinking water. There are natural alternatives to chemical fertilizers that actually provide more nutrients to your lawn and cost you far less to use. Build a Compost Heap It is simple to create your own compost heap. Simply find a container that is about a square foot wide and has a lid. It can be as deep as you like. Place the container in a corner of your yard that is not used very often. Compost heaps develop an unpleasant odor as they work to decompose the organic material that you will use as a fertilizer, so it is nice to have them located far away from a place where people need to work or play. Make sure you do not alienate your neighbors by placing your compost heap near their back doors. Collect Organic Material Once you have set up your compost container, begin to collect all of the organic garbage that you make in your daily life. The easiest way to do this is to create a separate garbage bin in the kitchen for organic items. You can keep all manner of organic waste to use in your compost heap. Bones, skins, egg shells, and anything else that comes from an animal or plant can be used to create excellent compost. Different kinds of organic materials have different kinds of nutrients, so it is good to have a wide variety of objects. Compost Decomposition Once you have collected the organic garbage, you should place it into your outdoor compost container so that it will decompose naturally. You can help speed up the decomposition process by keeping the compost bin damp and covered so that the compost will continuously break down all of the elements in the garbage. There are compost starters that you can purchase from home and garden stores if you need to use your compost heap as fertilizer before it has time to naturally decompose your garbage. As long as you keep throwing organic garbage on the heap, you will continue creating your own natural fertilizer.

Why is soil good for compost?

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What are the components of a soil?

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Why does the compost need to be turned occasionally?

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You can easily put of the torchs the fumes keep most of the flies away i cant garenty all of them.