

What is analogous structures?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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9y ago

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Structures that have similar functions in two organisms that have not evolved from a common ancestral form.

and that is the opposite from homalongouse structure of course

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9y ago

Similarities of function and superficial resemblance of structures that have different origins

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What are analogous structures?

Analogous structures are features of two different species that are similar in how the function, but the structure of the two features is different. The wings of an insect and the wings of a bird are analogous structures.

What evolution has produced many of the analogous structures in organisms today?

They don't. Homologous structures provide evidence for evolution not analogous structures.

What are similar structures that evolved independently called?

Similar structures that have evolved independently are called homologous structures. An example would be the wings of a bird and the wings of an insect.

How are homologous structures different from analogous structures?

Yes, homologous structures have common bone and muscle structures suggesting that they came from an common ancestor while analogous structures do not share any similarity in features, suggesting that they derived from two separate origins.

What are similar structures that evolve independently?

Similar structures that evolved independently are called analogous structures, or analogies.

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How are analogous and homologous structures different?

They are different because homologous structures have the same structure, but serve a different function. Like mammal arms(human, bat and whales). Analogous structues are different structures, but serve the same function. For example, bat wings and butterfly wings.

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What is the difference between homologous structures and analogous structures?

Homologous = same origin, different function (arms vs. wings) Analogous = same function, different origin (panda thumb)

What is the evolutionary process that produces analogous structures called?

The Kravic's cycle

What is the difference between homologous analogous and vestigial structures?

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