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It explains one object or process in terms of another. The aptness of the analogy isgenerally a point of subtle judgment. Some analogies are more valid than others. Comparing anapple to the space shuttle is not likely to be an effective analogy. Explaining the internet byreference to a highway system might make a better analogy. In the following analogy, a bodyinfection is compared with an invading army of attack organisms.


The Immunological Defenders and How They Work

The immune response of billions of cellular defenders is carried out by different kinds of white bloodcells, all of which are continuously being produced in the bone marrow. Neutrophils, one type ofwhite blood cell, travel in the blood stream to areas of invasion, attacking and ingesting pathogens. Macrophages, or "big eaters," take up stations in tissues and act as scavengers, devouring pathogensand worn-out cells. Natural killer cells directly destroy virus-infected cells and cells that have turnedcancerous. When lymph nodes are actively involved in fighting an invasion of microorganisms, theyfill with lymphocytes.

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Q: What is analogy as type of paragraph development?
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what are the Method of paragraph?

there are 11 methods of paragraph development. They are: *definition *comparison & contrast *details *illustration *analogy *repetition *cause and effect *elimination *question and answer *enumeration *combined method

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combined paragraph development method is a type of methods in which at least 2 types of paragraph development methods are used . Clearly , mix of at least 2 other types .

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combined paragraph development method is a type of methods in which at least 2 types of paragraph development methods are used . Clearly , mix of at least 2 other types .

What is analogy paragraph and its example?


What are the methods of paragraph development?

there are 11 methods of paragraph development. They are: *definition *comparison & contrast *details *illustration *analogy *repetition *cause and effect *elimination *question and answer *enumeration *combined method

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define paragraph development by classification

What is the meaning of paragraph by analogy?

An analogy is a comparison of two different things that are alike in some way. So a paragraph by analogy would mean that you are writing multiple sentences that develop upon the ideas of what you are comparing. The easiest way for you to come up with the paragraph would be to make a list of all the different ways the subjects are alike. Make these into complete sentences and your paragraph will almost form itself.

What is the principles of development?

preciples of paragraph development

Give 5 examples of analogy in paragraph form?

An analogy is a comparison of two things based on their structure. It is used for clarification and explanation purposes.

Example of a paragraph develop by elimination?

To develop a paragraph by elimination, it must first go through several phases. A paragraph must first be tested for analogy, classification, rationalization, and repetition.

Paragraph development by exemplification?

Paragraph development by exemplification mainly relies on various examples. A writer will develop a general statement in the topic and list specific examples in the paragraph.