

What is another name for the dormant volcano?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What is another name for the dormant volcano?
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I would say that the Loihi Volcano is dormant but also it another type of volcano . That i forgot the name of .

What is another name for a dormant volcano?

It is called " Sleeping Volcano" due to its characteristics that isn't currently active or erupting. :)

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the highest dormant is the kohala.

Volcano that is thought of as sleeping?

A sleeping volcano is a volcano which hasn't erupted in ages but has erupted in the past and will carry on erupting in the future. Another name for a sleeping volcano is a dormant volcano. Volcanoes can go through a dormant or sleeping phase sometimes lasting for hundreds of years before reawakening and erupting again. Volcanoes with no geological activity are "extinct", and will never erupt again.

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Taal volcano, Tagaytay, Philippines:)

What is the name of a dormant volcano?

mauna kea

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What is another word for a quiet volcano?

A dormant volcano is a volcano that is "sleeping," for lack of a better term. It is a volcano that is not currently active.

What is the name for a volcano that is not errupting?

It can be either dormant or extinct