

What is another word for Zeus Apollo Athena?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is another word for Zeus Apollo Athena?
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Both. The word used is chryselephantine (Greek chrysos = gold, elephantinos = ivory). The statue of Athena in the Parthenon was also chryselephantine.

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The word Athena has three syllables. (A-then-a)

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Athena was the Greek goddess of wisdom

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Zeus only has one syllable.

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Zeus is Greek for the Latin term Jupiter.

When was Apollo the Greek god born?

Ummm..... As far as I know, Greek Gods don't exsist. But maybe........Greek Gods are said ( and supposed) to be thousands, millions...maybe even trillions of years old. Another answer: The mythological gods do not exist in time in our sense of the word. So their beginnings are outside our chronology.He was a mythical god, he was never born.

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Apollo 13 (starring Tom Hanks, "Houston, we have a problem.")