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The room is called a sanctuary, the seats are called pews

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Q: What is area called where congregation sit in church?
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What do pews symbolise?

they don't symbolise anthing they are just chairs to sit on in a church

Can a pastor remove a deacon?

A pastor can not remove a deacon in the Baptist church. That is one of the reasons that the requirements for deacons are more stringent than a preachers. A recommendation to the board of deacons to ask a deacon to become inactive is the only recourse.

How do people worship in Tenrikyo?

they sit on their laps with hands together and sing a hymedited by Luke64For every morning and evening they do the seated service where they play instruments and sing the Mikagura Uta. Those who aren't playing the instruments, do the hand movements. This is to give thanks for our healthy bodies and remind or selves of the teachings. This is usually done at their own home or a near by church. Every once a month, they attend the monthly service at their parent church or church they are from.While doing the service, in Japan, most churches and the main sanctuary sit "seiza" or Japanese style seating where you fold your knees in front and you sit on your legs. In some churches, there are chairs for those who can't sit "seiza," other wise they sit how ever they think is comfortable. Outside of Japan, they use chairs in most cases. But the important part is the attitude of giving thanks to God the Parent for the daily blessing we receive each day, since they believe their bodies are borrowed from God the Parent.Here's a very good explanation for the basic teachings. else could be found by searching in google, "tenrikyo"

Is Great Britain secular?

Great Britain is de facto secular, but de jure a theocracy. Officially Great Britain is ruled by the Anglican Church, but the Anglican Church has more-or-less retreated from a direct rulership position and only remains in power by bishops who sit in the House of Lords and the monarchy. As a result, society in general operates in a non-religious or secular way.

Who said he would exalt his throne above God's throne?

Satan, also known as Lucifer:Isaiah 14:12-1512How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.15Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

Related questions

Where in the church would you find the altar?

The sanctuary. Parts of a church: Nave - where congregation sit Chancel - where the choir and clergy sit Sanctuary - where the altar is and the priest celebrates mass

Why is donnie wife debbie not on stage at church?

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church), the only people who sit on the stage during church are the Bishop, his two Counselors, any visiting authorities, and those from the congregation who are giving sermons (usually 2-4 people). Occassionally if the choir is performing they will sit on the stage. If Debbie Osmond isn't singing or speaking in the service, she would not sit on the stage. The same goes for Donnie.

What is the congregation supposed to do during consecration?

It depends on the church denomination. Some churches have parishioners sit or kneel. But the most important act is reverent respect and prayer between you and God, you and Jesus Christ.

How many persons should normally sit on church pews?

A church pew is a long bench used to sit the members of a congregation. The number of people who can sit on a church pew will depend on the length of the pew. The Fire Safety Code in the US allocates a minimum 18 inches per person. A more realistic measurement per person would be 24 inches. The Fire Safety Code also stipulates a maximum of 15 people per pew.

What are the ordinary people who belong to the church called?

The ordinary people who belong to the church might be called the flock or the parishioners. These people are the people who go to the church each week and sit in the pews to listen to the sermons.

In To Kill a Mockingbird where does Atticus sit in church?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Atticus sits in the balcony of the church with the African American members of the congregation during Sunday service because the main floor is reserved for white parishioners. This act reflects the racial segregation and discrimination prevalent in the society at that time.

How do people sit in a church?

They sit anywhere!

What is a church pughs?

They are church pews and they are the benches you sit on

What is a platform in a church?

A platform is the same thing as an altar or stage. It is most often located at one end of the church building with the congregation facing it. It is usually raised a few feet higher than the main floor. The Pastor usually stands there when he is preaching. In some churches, the musicians and other pastors will sit there during the service in front of the congregation. This makes it easier for them to be seen and heard. The word platform has no political meaning at all.

Does best mans wife sit next to him in church?

they dont sit

How do Jesus Ministry portray the disciples of Jesus?

As followers of Jesus: He calls them to 'follow me' (Mark 1:17) They are portrayed as 'fishermen' because they will gather people into their community. In this respect, the boat became a symbol for the church, which is why the congregation sit in the part of a church called 'the nave' (Latin for boat) The word 'disciple' means 'kearner'. The disciples are, therefore, by definition those who learn (and learn from) the teachings and example of their 'rabbi' teacher, who is Jesus himself.

Where do you sit in a church?

in a pew