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Propagation carried out by man and not naturally.

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Q: What does the term artificial propagation mean?
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What is artificial vegetable propagation?

some plants can be artificially propagated by using their vegetative parts and this is called artificial vegetative propagation

How does natural vegetative propagation differ from artificial vegetative propagation?

bla bla bla

What are the methods of artificial propagation?

cutting,layering and marcotting

What are the types of plant propagation?

what type of artificial plant propagation, the scion and the rockstock must be compatible for them to unite permanently

What is artificial plant propagation?

a process whereby man induces the growth of a new plant

What are the differences between natural and artificial vegetative propagation?

im sorry , i dont know the answer :D

Artificial way of growing new plants?

Artificial Propagation of Plants Plants normally reproduce through seeds, spores or reproductive growths such as rhizomes or tubers. However, artificial propagation may present a number of advantages under certain circumstances. Cutting Grafting Marcotting/ Air layering Budding Tissue culture

What does propagation mean in waves?

"Propagation" means the process of the wave getting from here to there.

Differential natural from artificial vegetative propagation?

rtificial propagation (def.): Reproduction of biological tissues via human intervention, usually under carefully controlled environmental conditions, but in the absence of the usual (generally sexual) modes of reproduction. Vegetative reproduction can be performed artificially, a common practice among horticulturists, but much vegetative reproduction occurs naturally without human involvement. Furthermore, artificial propagation can be achieved among both animal and plant species, whereas vegetative reproduction only occurs in plants. Artificial propagation is commonly used to increase the populations of endangered species, often via artificial insemination.

Can an apple tree grow two different types of apples?

Yes, you must use artificial propagation to make it do so.

The term natural can mean just about anything and does not guarantee the lack of artificial additives true or false?


What are the disadvantage of artificial vegetative propagation?

Artificial vegetative propagation is very common in crops like potato, sugarcane, sweet potato etc.It multiplies the same clone again and again giving little chance to incorporate better characters to combat resistance to diseases and stress caused by biotic and abiotic factors.